2010 Photo Gallery

Many thanks to our official photographer: Dr. Mike Potts

Panoramic View of the Isle of Purbeck (almost worked)
Q: What does JB and MP do with both hands that IL does with his left hand and SP does with his right?
Swing Lowe sweet chariot!
Got it yet?
And which set of clubs will Mr. Hurst be using today?
We all knew JB couldn't manage 3 days without seeing his new girlfriend!
Sometimes JB only uses 1 hand but only when he is holding his ball in the other
Back on the Chain Gang
Sun, sand and sea air. Enough to get rid of even Dave Normington's hangover.
Great putt Simon! Now try it with a golf ball.
Team Eurob ready for action.
Team Eurob down to 7 men already - no wonder we lost!
Team USA (look like they could do with a good meal)
Well out Simon!
JA with a slight weight dissadvantage.
Ah that's why the Eurobs lost!

Sadly this was the last photograph ever taken...............
....of Hurstie's golf ball

Everyone on tenter hooks waiting for the webmeister to check the final scores.............
The losers drown their sorrows
Champion Golfer of the Year: Dave Normington
........and Herr Doktor wins the Didsbury Driver
Last Supper